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Fly away with IndiGo airlines

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IndiGo is India's leading airline, offering an efficient mobile application to refine your flight booking process. With its user-friendly interface, this app streamlines the process of purchasing tickets for over 80 domestic and 30 international destinations. It is designed to provide users with the utmost convenience, from exploring fare deals to managing trip details.

When usage is at the forefront, the app presents a smooth flight booking and web check-in experience. Exclusive app-related fare discounts make it an attractive choice for securing economical flights. Users enjoy a tailored experience with features such as a dedicated 'My Bookings' section and easy access to boarding passes. It also assists international travelers by clarifying visa requirements and provides a 'Flight Status Tracker' to keep passengers informed about their flight details.

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The platform comes packed with special services to enhance your flying experience, including up to 10% off fares with the 6Exclusive Fare, the Fast Forward feature that allows hassle-free boarding post web check-in, and the opportunity to save on convenience fees. Moreover, you can pre-book excess baggage at discounted rates, order meals from 6E Eats, and opt for 6E Prime for added benefits on seating and snacks. It offers protection for delayed and lost baggage starting at a nominal fee, and the 6E Offers section provides potential cashback and rewards opportunities.

For those aiming to book flights, it is your gateway to over 2,000 daily flights, domestic and international discounted fares, and partnership routes with airlines around the globe. Passengers can easily arrange cargo needs and even book private charters. Further, IndiGo offers exclusive discounts for seniors, armed forces, and passengers requiring additional baggage.

It doesn't just simplify your booking experience; it keeps you informed with notifications on the latest deals and discounts and resolves queries quickly via the AI-powered chat assistant, 6E skai. With accolades like 'Best Low-Cost Airline' in Asia and Central Asia, and ranking 5th in the world, the company is committed to delivering a top-tier flying experience. For assistance or feedback, the call center is readily available to address your needs.

By providing a seamless journey from booking to boarding, the app remains dedicated to elevating its offerings, making it an essential tool for travelers prioritizing affordability, efficiency, and convenience.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about IndiGo 6.0.4

Package Name in.goindigo.android
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
70 more
Author InterGlobe Aviation Limited
Downloads 19,478
Date May 9, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

xapk 6.0.4 Android + 5.0 Jun 12, 2024
apk 6.0.3 Android + 5.0 Mar 17, 2024
apk 6.0.1 Android + 5.0 Feb 27, 2024
apk 6.0.0 Android + 5.0 Jan 15, 2024
apk 5.2.5 Android + 5.0 Dec 28, 2023
apk 5.2.4 Android + 5.0 Dec 21, 2023

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